Case Study

Global consulting firm uses nuix for urgent early case assessment behind the firewall

A global consulting firm had an urgent early case assessment project with a catch: The data in question could not leave the premises of one of its offices. Nuix deployed its eDiscovery Workstation and Web Review & Analytics technologies on a single laptop that the consulting firm’s consultants carried into the country in their hand luggage. The project team then used Nuix eDiscovery technology to process over a million records, and Nuix Web Review & Analytics to analyze the data and find facts during an initial first-pass review. Using Nuix, the consulting firm:

  • Deployed the software behind the firewall with no specialist skills
  • Processed more than 60 GB of data from multiple sources within days
  • Used search macros to analyze 300,000 responsive items to find key facts
  • Completed all work on a single laptop in just two weeks.

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